NLS Driver Onboarding Process

NLS Careers

NLS New York is constantly searching for individuals who are willing and qualified for the following positions: Chauffeurs, Dispatchers, Reservation/Sales Specialist and Customer Service Specialist.

Please contact us for more information on current job openings. Get more job info by calling 212-812-1100

NLS New York is an equal opportunity employer.

NLS New York Does Not Sell or Share Any Personal Data with 3rd Parties. All Data Collected on NLS New York Website and Booking Tools is used for the Sole Purpose of Booking your Ground Transportation Rides.

All contents of this site are Copyright of NLS New York, any duplication or copying of site content is strictly prohibited. All content is protected under Copyright and intellect property laws.

A Credit Card is Required to Secure your Ride. You will not be charged until the day of service.

For all non-Airport pick-ups, we offer 15 minutes of free wait time. For Airport Arrivals we offer 30 minutes of free waiting time on Domestic Flights and 60 minutes on international flights. Additional waiting time will be calculated in increments of 15 minutes from Landing Time(Wheels Down) at the vehicle’s hourly rate. No Shows will be charged the full rate. If you can not locate your Chauffeur please get in touch with us at +1 212-812-1100 so that one of our dispatchers can help you locate your Chauffeur.

No-shows will be charged FULL AMOUNT. Trip cancellations must be made 12 hours before the service date and time to avoid a FULL CHARGE of the scheduled trip(s). Trip changes must be made 6 hours before service time. The bill above is not final until the day of service. Optional gratuity(typically 15% to 20%) is not included in Flat Rates. All tolls, parking, airport charges, park entrance fees, wait time, stops and any other vehicle-related expense(s) and fees incurred during the performance of the Ride will be added to the bill and will only then be processed and finalized.